Plain of Jars Site 2, Nak Ho About 30 km from Muang Khoun over alternately sealed and unsealed road, the site is on two hills bisected by the road. As we were on the first hill some other people came up and one of them started climbing on one of the jars, for selfies of course. My guide went over to their guide who moved quickly to tell her to get off. About 15 minutes after we went to the second hill rain began pelting down putting an end to our time there.
Stop not! A visit to the Spoon Village, Ban Napia, where they turn bombs into spoons, was scheduled, but ... We came across roadworks that even in normal conditions would have been difficult to negotiate. With the rain the road on one hill turned into a thick viscous morass that sucked down the car tires, yup we got stuck- as did several people on motorcycles whose tires sunk below the axle. The clay was so wet that just stepping out of the car encased my shoes, making them resemble snow shoes, requiring much work to scrape them cleanish. Fortunately the road crew used one of their graders to pull us out, but only after they pulled out one of their machines first. End result- no spoon village.

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